Things we need to consider before investing in Mutual funds.

1. Past performance of that mutual fund. That doesn't mean go and invest by only looking into this. Why because there may be a chance that the company doesn't have any future growth or slow growth. So first analyse the mutual fund where they invest our funds? Is there a prominent future for that companies? like that.

2. Exit load. Many of us will invest in mutual fund by simply looking into past performance but the main thing we need to notice is — What's their Exit load ? Exit load means if you sell holding/ exiting from that scheme, AMC will charge you exit load( 0.01% to 2%)apart from their commission.

3. Selecting the AMC's — In which AMC we can invest is based on your decision and note that — don't invest in new AMC's which doesn't have any track record of atleast for 5 to 10 years simply because they are charging less Exit load and commission.

4. Selecting the scheme from the AMC — In which scheme we need to invest is based on your risk appetite and analysis. If you are planning to invest in Index funds just invest in passive funds instead of active funds so that the charges are less.

5. Platform to invest in mutual funds — I personally use COIN by zerodha, which is very much transperant compared to others . There are lot of platforms for investing in mutual funds which is again based on your taste. Kindly don't use any unknown applications or website for Investing.

6. Hope it will help for you. Have a nice Investment journey. Thanks.
